Board Members
The Romney Marshes Internal Drainage Board has 43 Board Members, who all give their time to the Board voluntarily.
Elected Members
There are 21 Members elected by the agricultural ratepayers in accordance with Part I Schedule 1 of the Land Drainage Act 1991. They may be either owners or occupiers of land in the district or nominated by the owner / occupier of the land in the district. The breakdown of elected Members within the District is shown below:-
District | No. of elected Members |
Romney | 6 |
Walland | 6 |
Denge | 2 |
Rother | 4 |
Pett | 3 |
Total: | 21 |
Appointed Members
There are 22 Board Members appointed by the charging authorities within the district in accordance with Part II Schedule 1 of the Land Drainage Act 1991. They may be elected councillors, officers or others who have an interest, such as conservation or business in the district. The breakdown of appointed Members is shown below:-
Charging Authority | % of Total Special Levy | No. of Appointed Members |
Ashford Borough Council | 1.843 | 1 |
Rother District Council | 21.046 | 7 |
Folkestone & Hythe District Council | 77.111 | 14 |
Total | 22 |
A full list of our Board Members is below:-
Elected Members:
Romney Marsh District
Mr P Boulden
Mr A Clifton-Holt
Mr D J Cole
Mr D Furnival
Mrs H V Langrish
Mr J Langrish
Walland Marsh District
Mr C Apps
Mr S Body
Mr F A Cooke
Mr C Furnival
Mr A Wellsted
Mr S Wright
Denge & Southbrooks District
Mr D Thompson
Mr M Wrout
Rother District
Mr A M Clifton
Mr E Lovejoy
Mr T S Piper
Mr C Ramus
Pett District
Mr E Langrish
Mr D Wheeler
Mr L M Cooke (Vice-Chairman)
Council Appointed Members:
Ashford Borough Council
Cllr Mrs A Hicks
Rother District Council
Cllr Mrs C Creaser
Mr C Hoggart
Mr D Lovejoy (Chairman)
Cllr A Mier
Mr I D Oliver
Cllr P N Osborne
Cllr Mrs S M Prochak
Folkestone & Hythe District Council
Cllr G Allison
Mr H Bates
Mr C J Body
Cllr P Carey
Cllr P Coe
Mr A Cragg
Cllr A Goode
Cllr Mrs K Rye
Cllr C Goddard
Cllr A R J Hills
Cllr S Scoffham
Mrs C Solly
Cllr D Wimble
1 vacancy
For further information on the structure and work of internal drainage boards, please visit: